Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Intro and Concept

Hey All!

Thanks for checking out the blog. I've had the idea for this growing in my brain for quite a few years and it has finally gotten to a point that I just needed to start it.

I am sure many of you have heard of or checked out the blog "Overheard in New York" (and if you haven't you need to because it is some of the greatest people watching commentary on the web). Check it out at www.overheardinnewyork.com and you'll know what I mean.

Anyways, I am a people person by nature. And when I say that I mean I am fascinated by human beings. Their interactions, their culture, they way they organize to together or stubbornly remain a lone wolf. I am a social scientist by education and training having gotten my undergraduate degree in Political Science with a minor in Anthropology.

So what does that all have to do with the blog. Well, I don't know if it is a natural curiosity or an inclination for acute observance but at least once a day I notice something interesting about another person. It could be something that he or she said, or a gesture or action that just is a little curious. Curious in the sense that I find myself asking, WTF? or saying OMG! And every time I see something I have to tell people. But of course by the time I find someone to tell I have lost that crucial detail that made me have to share it.

Well now I said to myself, if I just wrote it down right away then I could share it with more people, even emailing to friends and family all over that I would not be able to tell in person. Of course then my mind got going and poof here's the blog.

That's enough from me for now. I hope you enjoy and will bring your strange and bizarre stories to find if it was a WTF or OMG moment?



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